Return on Investment (ROI) Calculator
for Courier Service Point Business

Calculation (per outlet)
Daily Monthly
A. Income
No. of order
Average order value
Average commission (%)
Total revenue ($)
Total gross profit ($)
B. Expenses
Cost sharing ratios (%)* -
Staff ($) ** -
Rental ($) *** -
Utility ($) -
Marketing ($) -
Total Expenses ($) -
C. Net Profit ($) -
D. Breakeven (no. of order)
E. ROI period per outlet
  DelyvaHub Package price ($)
  Net profit (monthly) ($)
  ROI period (month)

* Ratios if there's other existing business in the same outlet
** Hiring staff, put 0 if the owner run the DelyvaHub by him/her self
*** Estimates more than 50 parcels can be handled every 100sqft size