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3 Steps to Find the Right Location for Courier Service Point

DelyvaHub courier service point

The best location for a courier service point business combines visibility, affordability, and lease terms you can live with. Take the time to analyze the areas that appeal to you. Study the business and consumer pages to see where you can find business support services and a growing community of people with regular incomes and interest in the services you offer.


There are three steps of choosing a location for your courier service point: selection of a city, choice of an area or type of location within a city, and identification of a specific site.


  1. Selection of a city – In choosing a city, investigate these main factors:
  • Size of the city’s trading area
  • Population and population trends
  • Total purchasing power and who has it
  • Total retail trade potential for different lines of trade
  • Number and size of the competition
  • Quality and aggressiveness of competition


  1. Area within a city – Once you have a general idea of what city you like, choose an area or type of location within that city by evaluating these:
  • Customer attraction power
  • The nature of competition
  • Availability of access routes to the stores
  • General appearance of the area
  • Sales and traffic growth prospects of the trade area
  • Demographics of neighborhoods


  1. Specific site – These are factors in narrowing down your site choices:
  • Traffic flow
  • Complementary nature of neighboring stores
  • Adequacy of parking
  • Vulnerability to competition
  • Cost of the site


Use the map tools to create your power zone. Place center point where your courier service point will be. Then draw three circles that represent 1, 3, and 5 km from you. This is where your bread-and-butter customers live and/or work. Will their demographics support 75 percent, 20 percent, or 5 percent of the sales you need? You’ll also want to see if the population is growing or declining. Are there seasonal variations in population that favor courier and delivery services, or will you suffer when students, families, or snowbirds leave town? And you’ll want to check out the activity during the week, weekends, daytime, and nighttime to see if it’s in alignment with your business plans.

Mapping tools

Retail compatibility

The only exceptional operation, such as a restaurant or a freestanding discount house, can survive in isolation. A cluster of stores and community centers creates more traffic, exposes more people to your business, and creates a buying atmosphere that a single store cannot. Customers are attracted by crowds and like their shopping trips to be social outings.

Having said this, it’s critical to select the right community and site for your courier service point. Will the other businesses generate traffic for your store? Or will you be located near operations that may clash with yours? For example, a courier service point located in a service center of hardware stores and automotive repair businesses doesn’t get enough exposure to its target audience to be successful.

Courier Service Point Traffic


If you’re interested in the courier service point business, check out DelyvaHub.


Click here to discover the list of Malaysia Courier Service Points.