Cheapest shipping rates to Singapore

teleport Delyva

Wuhooo! We know that many e-commerce sellers here have booming customers in Singapore. So let’s find out together.

Shipping your documents or parcels to your customers in Singapore starts with finding the cheapest shipping rate to Singapore. For domestic merchants, finding the cheapest shipping rates from Malaysia to Singapore can be a challenge. But worry not, with DelyvaNow we can guarantee you the cheapest courier service rates of all time from Malaysia to Singapore.

DelyvaNow platform partner with Teleport helps you find the guaranteed cheapest rates in any country. It gives you real-time accurate rates from every global courier service to any destination. In other words, it simplifies the process of searching for the cheapest rates on shipping from Malaysia to Singapore.

The price rate in Singapore is incredibly cheap.

1st KG – RM23

2KG – RM30

3KG – RM36

4KG – RM42

5KG – RM48

International shipping rate that very cheap you can’t find anywhere else.

Here’s how to get the cheapest shipping rate to Singapore.

First, you may sign up to DelyvaNow


Then you have an account like this to start with, make sure to top-up the account first to start shipping. The top-up rate can be found here.

Once top-up is done, you may head on for booking and choosing your delivery providers. International shipping price from Malaysia to Singapore as low as RM23 for a 1Kg item.


Once you are done, click on confirm shipment and print the Airways bills the wait for the courier to collect the package. Easy right?

Delivery Times to Singapore

On average, economy shipping from Malaysia to Singapore takes 5-10 business days. Of course, you can pay extra for expedited delivery in 1-2 days, but these rates will be significantly higher. Delivery lead times to Singapore boil down to your choice of courier service, but also the shipping option selected.

But with Teleport on DelyvaNow, even with a normal rate like above, you can get your item to arrive on 1-3 days from Malaysia to Singapore. It’s not only the cheapest rate but also the fastest shipping to Singapore!

You can use our Rate Calculator to get a quick delivery rate to Singapore.


Packaging and weight

Cheaper shipping from Malaysia to Singapore is most impacted by the size and weight of your shipment.

  • Package weight: Heavier packages cost more to ship. Removing unnecessary packing materials helps you get the cheapest rates.
  • Package size: Large and irregularly-shaped boxes cost more to ship because they require special care. Using the smallest possible box of a standard size helps you get the cheapest rates.
  • Of course, the item that falls under dangerous goods is forbidden to be shipped.

Customs Documents

With DelyvaNow, the only documents needed for tax and customs purposes are commercial or proforma invoices.

Commercial – if the item is for sales
Proforma – for personal use

Cheap Shipping to Singapore with DelyvaNow

With DelyvaNow, you can find the cheapest shipping rates from Malaysia to Singapore in just a few clicks with our instant quote here.

Save time and money on your delivery