From A hobby to a blooming business!

Xuen Ying turned her hobby into a small business. “I’m an artist and I do enjoy putting out works and I’m really grateful to be able to share it to the world and have people buy my works” 

How did it all started?  

Starting a business always seems really complicated and I think I do overthink and plan on everything but at the end taking a first step and taking a leap of faith is what I did! But of course, I’m my own team. Rather than complicating everything, taking it step by step is what I would usually do. 

Better late than never! Small things keep everything in check 

A rollercoaster ride! Just a few sales already keeps me happy, while there are so many other things that could make me sad…like COVID-19. I think it really depends on what your goals and priorities are. Keeping it real to what our limits are really helped me not get demotivated when things aren’t going well. 

The growth is insane! 

As she only made this business mainly out from her personal interests not more than it, being able to see this business grow so much really make a difference and tots change makes her beyond words.  

Delyva does it work tho  

As Delyva definitely helped out greatly with her shipping needsAppreciated their intact customer service also the service really made everything convenience.  

Excited about your business niche?  

With so many other opportunities opened, can’t wait to seewhere it goes from here on out! 

Small business, listen to me.   

If you’re looking for good rates and amazing customer service, Delyva really helps out for me! Think Big, Start Small, always get feedback from your customers to know what’s missing 

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