Does Pos Laju work on weekends

The operating hours for Pos Laju Center or Post Office can easily be found on Pos Malaysia’s official website or you can check by specific outlets here. 

But based on our experience, delivery operation (out for delivery) does not follow the same operating hours as their walk-in counter service. 

In certain circumstancesPos Laju does deliver on weekends to residential addresses even if their counter service nearby is closed.  

This depends on other factors such as whether they have enough people to cover, where the recipient address is and during high volume season.  

Also take note that Sunday is a working day in Kedah, Johor, Kelantan and Terengganu. 

Pos Laju operating hours for sender 

If you want to send something via Pos Laju, you will need to go to the Post Office or Pos Laju counter. Make sure to check the operating hours for that particular branch before heading there. 

You can also purchase Pos Laju online and print out the consignment note via  

Pos Laju driver will come and collect the items so you don’t have to go out. Check out for more info.  

Pos Laju tracking 

Every item sent via Pos Laju has a tracking number. This is for you trace the item and see the delivery status of the item 

Input the number in Pos Laju Tracking to trace the parcel. 

If you are the sender, communicate with the recipient and provide the tracking number to them.  

If Pos Laju is purchased through, the recipient will automatically get notified via email. The recipient will also get an email when it is out for delivery so that they can prepare. 

What to do if not at home 

In some cases, you or the recipient might not be at home or at the address when item is out for delivery.  

The delivery person will usually try to get in touch with you via the contact number on the shipping label. That is why it is important to put in a phone number with the recipient address.  

If they are not able to get in touch with the recipient, they will mark it as failed delivery and will either leave a notice (call card) or reattempt delivery the following working day. 

What to do if you receive a notice/call card 

If you are expecting parcels but not at home to receive it, check for any notice or call card the delivery person might’ve left you. 

If you received a notice, check the instructions on what to do next. They will usually ask you to collect the item at the stated Pos Laju Center. 

Make sure to read it carefully so that you don’t go to the wrong place.  

If you come across any problems with Pos Laju delivery, you may get in touch with them through the eFeedback form. 

Save time and money on your delivery