Delyva TeamAnnouncements, Courier Partner, EnglishPgeon Delivery Domestic Courier Service is Now Available We have been listening to your feedback and are excited to announce that we are now offering Pgeon...
Delyva TeamAnnouncementsCessation of Teleport’s On-demand Delivery Services Dear valued customers and partners, We would like to notify you that with effect from 15th October...
Delyva TeamAnnouncementsDelyva Scheduled Maintenance Notice – 14th Sept 2022 Dear valued customers and partners, Please note that Delyva systems will be temporarily unavailable...
Delyva TeamPlatform, TutorialSet Up JustOrder.Today for Delivery and Courier Services JustOrder.Today is the newest and most affordable online ordering solution in the market. It is equipped...
Delyva TeamAnnouncementsDelyva Scheduled Maintenance Notice – 7th Sept 2022 Dear valued customers and partners, Please note that Delyva systems will be temporarily unavailable...
Delyva TeamE-commerceCara Menggunakan Sistem Pengurusan Ejen & Penjual Ejen2U dan Penghantaran Domestik dan Antarabangsa dengan Delyva Apa itu Ejen2U? Ejen2U adalah Platform Sistem Pengurusan Ejen Paling Komprehensif. Bagi anda yang...