Afiqah JafreeE-commerceSet Up Your WooCommerce for with Multiple Courier Services Why use WooCommerce and Delyva for Domestic and International Courier Services? Connect to 20+ couriers...
Afiqah JafreeE-commerceSet Up Your WooCommerce with Food, Grocery Instant Delivery Services Why use WooCommerce and Delyva for Food and Grocery Instant Delivery Services? Connect to 20+ couriers...
Afiqah JafreeE-commerceSet Up Your Magento 2 Store with Food, Grocery Instant Delivery Services Why use Magento 2 and Delyva for Food, Grocery Instant Delivery Services? Connect to 20+ couriers...
Afiqah JafreeE-commerceSet Up Your Magento 2 with Multiple Courier Services Why use Magento 2 Store and Delyva with Multiple Domestic and International Courier Services? Connect...
Afiqah JafreeAnnouncementsCMO 3.0 Announcement We are operating as usual during the nationwide MCO. Redirect your parcels if needed. Dear DelyvaNow...
Delyva TeamAnnouncementsTemporary Suspension Pos Laju Services Dear Valued Customers, Pos Laju services on DelyvaNow will be suspended beginning 25th May 2021 until...