#1 centralized platform for courier services in Malaysia

Compare and book the best-performing courier service with competitive rates from the top 20+ courier services in Malaysia in less than 60 seconds.

One Account To Manage All

Manage all your Malaysia courier service accounts in one platform

J&T Express Malaysia Courier Service
City Link Malaysia Courier Service
Ninja Van Malaysia Courier Service
DHL eCommerce Malaysia Courier Service
GDeX Prime Malaysia Courier Service
pgeon Delivery Malaysia Courier Service
TheLorry Bulky Malaysia Courier Service
Teleport Malaysia Courier Service
Janio International Malaysia Courier Service
KEX Malaysia Courier Service
Aramex Parcel Malaysia Courier Service
Qxpress Malaysia Courier Service
Amilo International Courier Service
Pandago Malaysia Courier Service
Lalamove Malaysia Courier Service
Grab Express Malaysia Courier Service
Halo Delivery Malaysia Courier Service
FGV Transport Bulky Malaysia Courier Service
Matdespatch Malaysia Courier Service
Bungkusit Malaysia Courier Service
Tapaw Malaysia Courier Service
Posmoto Motorcycle Transport Service Malaysia Courier Service

The Best Courier Services

Compare and book the cheapest or the best-performing courier service and enjoy faster delivery

One account to manage all your courier service needs

Automated WhatsApp Notifications

Automatic customer tracking number sharing with the estimated delivery date
Get your customers ready for their purchase to arrive

Courier Service with Automated Courier Service Tracking Number WhatsApp Notifications

Connect with Your Courier Service Account

Got special rates and special SLA with your Malaysia courier service partner? Link them to Delyva’s platform

Bring  Your Own Courier Service Account

Compare Courier Options

Buyers can decide which options best suit their needs
Eliminate overpaying or underpaying for Malaysia courier service

Display courier Services on the checkout page
Woocommerce Malaysia Courier Service Integration
Shopify Malaysia Courier Service Integration
Magento Malaysia Courier Service Integration
EasyStore Malaysia Courier Service Integration
Maynuu Malaysia Courier Service Integration
Fast Order Malaysia Courier Service Integration
Orderla Malaysia Courier Service Integration
Wasepme Malaysia Courier Service Integration

What is DelyvaNow?

A centralized courier service platform for both micro-business like solopreneurs, ecommerce and physical store hustlers and big brand enterprises such as Mydin, AEON and Senheng.

Meniaga use Delyva for the best and fastest Malaysia courier service
Mydin use Delyva for the best and fastest Malaysia courier service
Maybank Sama Sama Lokal use Delyva for the best and fastest Malaysia courier service
Happyfresh use Delyva for the best and fastest Malaysia courier service
7 Eleven use Delyva for the best and fastest Malaysia courier service
Xilnex use Delyva for the best and fastest Malaysia courier service
Siti Khadijah use Delyva for the best and fastest Malaysia courier service
fynnjamalrtw use Delyva for the best and fastest Malaysia courier service
Agrobazaar use Delyva for the best and fastest Malaysia courier service
Racun Tech use Delyva for the best and fastest Malaysia courier service
Nana Mahazan Beauty use Delyva for the best and fastest Malaysia courier service
Sen Heng use Delyva for the best and fastest Malaysia courier service
Aeon use Delyva for the best and fastest Malaysia courier service
Maynuu use Delyva for the best and fastest Malaysia courier service
Yezza use Delyva for the best and fastest Malaysia courier service

100,000 micro businesses and enterprises have used Delyva to date


How this M’sian courier aggregator aims to provide optimised delivery options to SMEs
Trusted Malaysia for the best courier service
Business Insider
The Edge

How it works

Only 3 steps to choose the fastest & cheapest courier service!

Step 1 Book from anywhere

Book from anywhere

Book for courier service on the go with our mobile app or web portal. Connect with supported e-commerce software or integrate with Delyva API.

Step 2 Deliver Faster

Faster Courier Service

Delyva’s intelligent multi-courier delivery platform recommends the best-performing courier service for faster delivery.

Step 3 Notify Automatically

Notify automatically

Automatically notify your customers with estimated delivery time (EDT) via WhatsApp, e-mail and SMS* *SMS available as add-on

Get 5% Free Credits. Top-up Discount Code: ILOVEDELYVA

Courier Service Points

Find Malaysia courier service points near you

Courier Service Tracking

Track all your courier shipments in one place

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